The Anchorage Film Caper - Written Short Story
A written short story
The Anchorage Film Caper takes you on a spooky but humor-filled adventure through the basement of the deserted and badly damaged McKinley building following the 1964 Alaska earthquake.
When you were a teenager, did you ever do anything that you thought about later in life, laughed and said to yourself, “that was dumb.” Well, this story would be one of those moments.
In “The Anchorage Film Caper”, author, Michael R. Dougherty was a teen when he was sent into the abandoned basement of the McKinley Building after that building was badly damaged after the 1964 earthquake.
Mike was given a holstered 357 Magnum pistol to take with him. Do you see any potential trouble?
This is a written short short story.
Read it if you dare.
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A short story by Michael R Dougherty
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Get ready to laugh
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anchorage memories
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